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Adams 1987 Courtney S. Adams, ‘The Early Chanson Anthologies Published by Pierre Attaingnant (1528-1530)’, The Journal of Musicology, 5/4 (1987), 526-48. view print preview
Alden 2010 Jane Alden, Songs, Scribes, and Society. The History and Reception of the Loire Valley Chansonniers (The New Cultural History of Music, series ed. Jane F. Fulcher), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). view print preview
Anglés 1941 Higini Anglés (ed.), Monumentos de la Musica Española, I, Polifonía religiosa, Madrid: Ministerio de Educación (1941), 112-5. view print preview
Atlas 1975-6 Allan W. Atlas, The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier (Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana C.G.XIII.27), Brooklyn, NY: Institute of Mediaeval Music (1975-6). view print preview
Atlas 1977 Allan W. Atlas, ‘On the Neapolitan Provenance of the Manuscript Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, 431 (G 20)’, Musica Disciplina, 31 (1977), 45-105. view print preview
Atlas 1978 Allan W. Atlas: ‘La provenienza del manoscritto Berlin 78.C.28: Firenze o Napoli?’, in Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, XIII (1978), 10–29. view print preview
Barret 1981 Charles E. Barret, 'A Critical Edition of the Dijon Chansonnier: Dijon, Bibliothèque de la ville, MS 517 (ancient 295)', Ph.D. diss., Nashville, TN: George Peabody College for Teachers of Vanderbilt University (1981). view print preview
Becherini 1942-3 Bianca Becherini, ‘Alcuni canti dell’ “Odhecaton†e del codice fiorentino 2794’, Bulletin de l’Institut historique belge de Rome, 42 (1942-3), 327-48. view print preview
Becherini 1950 Bianca Becherini, ‘Autori minori nel codice fiorentino Magl. XIX, 176’, Revue Belge de Musicologie, 4 (1950), 19-31. view print preview
Becherini 1959 Bianca Becherini, Catalogo dei manoscritti musicali della Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze, Kassel - Basel - London - New York: Bärenreiter (1959), 42-4. view print preview
Bellingham 1980 Bruce Bellingham (ed.), Bicinia gallica, latina, germanica. Tomus I, II. 1545 (= Georg Rhau, Musikdrucke, 6), Kassel: Bärenreiter (1980) view print preview
Bent 1986 Margaret Bent, ‘Trent 93 and Trent 90: Johannes Wiser at Work’, in Nino Pirrotta & Danilo Curti (eds.), I codici musicali trentini. Atti del Convegno Laurence Feininger, la musicologia come missione, Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, 6-7 settembre 1985, Trent: Provincia Autonoma di Trento (1986), 84-111. view print preview
Bernstein 1973 Lawrence F. Bernstein, ‘La Courone et fleur des chansons a troys: A Mirror of the French Chanson in Italy in the Years between Ottaviano Petrucci and Antonio Gardano’, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 26/1 (1973), 1-68. view print preview
Bernstein 1978 Lawrence F. Bernstein, ‘The “Parisian Chansonâ€: Problems of Style and Terminologyâ€, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 31/2 (1978), 193-240. view print preview
Bernstein 1982 Lawrence F. Bernstein, ‘Notes on the Origin of the Parisian Chanson’, Journal of Musicology, 1 (1982), 275-326. view print preview
Bernstein 1984 Lawrence F. Bernstein (ed.), La couronne et fleur des chansons a troys, 2 vols. (= Master and Monuments of the Renaissance, 3), New York, NY: The Broude Trust (1984) view print preview
Bernstein 1990 Lawrence F. Bernstein, ‘Melodic Structure in the Parisian Chanson: A Preliminary Study in the Transmission of a Musical Style’, in Eugene K. Wolf and Edward H. Roesner (eds.), Studies on Musical Sources and Style: Essays in Honor of Jan LaRue, Madison, WI: A-R Editions (1990), 121-89. view print preview
Bernstein 2001 Lawrence F. Bernstein, ‘Chansons for Five and Six Voices’, in Richard Sherr (ed.), The Josquin Companion, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (2001), 393-422. view print preview
Birkendorf 1994 Rainer Birkendorf, Der Codex Pernner. Quellenkundliche Studien zu einer Musikhandschrift des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts (Regensburg, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Sammlung Proske, Ms. C 120), 3 vols. (Collectanea Musicologica, 6/I-III), Augsburg: Wissner (1994). view print preview
Birkendorf 1998 Rainer Birkendorf, ‘Bemerkungen zur Entstehung des Codex Pernner: Regensburg, Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek, Cod. ms. C 120’, in Martin Staehelin (ed.), Gestalt und Entstehung musikalischer Quellen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (Quellenstudien zur Musik der Renaissance, 3; Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 83), Wiesbaden: Harassowitz (1998), 170-7. view print preview
Birmingham 1955 Hugh M. Birmingham Jr., 'A Transcription into Modern Notation of a Chansonnier (Fonds Français 2245) of the Duke of Orleans, with Commentary and Concordance', Master diss., Denton: North Texas State College (1955). view print preview
Blackburn 1981 Bonnie J. Blackburn, ‘Two “Carnival Songs†Unmasked: A Commentary on MS Florence Magl. XIX. 121, Musica Disciplina, 35 (1981), 121-78. view print preview
Boorman 1977 Stanley Boorman, ‘The “First†Edition of the Odhecaton A’, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 30 (1977), 183-207. view print preview
Boorman 2006 Stanley Boorman, Ottaviano Petrucci: catalogue raisonné, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2006). view print preview
Bosi 2004 Carlo Bosi, 'The Secular Works of Du Fay and Binchois: Melody, Mode, Sonority', Ph. D. diss., Oxford: University of Oxford (2004) view print preview
Bosi 2017 Carlo Bosi “Zu Stil und Form einstimmiger Melodien um 1500 – Einige Fälle in den Pariser monophonen Chansonniersâ€, in: Creatio ex unisono: Einstimmige Musik im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, ed. by Nicole Schwindt (= troja, Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik, 13), 2017 for 2014, 81-103 view print preview
Bosi 2021 Carlo Bosi, “Espérance or: New Insights into the Origins of the Chansonnier de Bayeux“, Musicologica Austriaca (2021),; view print preview
Bosi, Modal Usage, 2005 Carlo Bosi, ‘Modal Usage in the Secular Works of Du Fay’, in Revue Belge de Musicologie, 59 (2005), 5-42. view print preview
Bosi, Tant que mon/nostre argent dura, 2005 Carlo Bosi, ‘Tant que mon/nostre argent dura: Die Überlieferung und Bearbeitung einer ‚populären’ Melodie in fünf mehrstimmigen Sätzen’, Acta Musicologica, lxxvii/2 (2005), 205-28. view print preview
Brauner 1987 Mitchell P. Brauner, ‘The Manuscript Verona, Accademia Filarmonica, B 218 and Its Political Motets’, Studi Musicali, 16 (1987), 3-12. view print preview
Bridgman 1984 Nanie Bridgman, ‘Paroles et musique dans le manuscrit Latin 16664 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris’, in Ursula Günther & Ludwig Finscher (eds.), Musik und Text in der Mehrstimmigkeit des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts (Göttinger musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten, 10), Kasel - Basel - London: Bärenreiter (1984), 383-409. view print preview
Brobeck 2016 John T. Brobeck, “A Music Book for Mary Tudor, Queen of Franceâ€, Early Music History, 35 (2016), pp. 1-93 view print preview
Brown 1959 Howard M. Brown, ‘The Chanson rustique: Popular Elements in the 15th- and 16th-Century Chanson’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 12 (1959), 16-26. view print preview
Brown 1963 Howard M. Brown, Music in the French Secular Theater, 1400-1550, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (1963). view print preview
Brown 1964 Howard M. Brown, ‘The Genesis of a Style: The Parisian Chanson, 1500-1530’, in James Haar (ed.), Chanson & Madrigal 1480-1530: Studies in Comparison and Contrast. A Conference at Isham Memorial Library, September 13-14, 1961, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (1964), 1-36. view print preview
Brown 1967 Howard M. Brown, ‘Chansons for the Pleasure of a Florentine Patrician: Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica, MS Basevi 2442’, in Jan La Rue (ed.) Aspects of Medieval and Renaissance Music: A Birthday Offering to Gustave Reese, London & New York: Oxford University Press (1967). view print preview
Brown 1968 Howard M. Brown, ‘The Music of the Strozzi Chansonnier (Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica, MS Basevi 2442)’, Acta Musicologica, 40 (1968), 115-29. view print preview
Brown 1970 Howard M. Brown, ‘The Transformation of the Chanson at the End of the Fifteenth Century’, in Dragotin Cvetko (ed.), Report of the Tenth Congress of the International Musicological Society, Ljubljana 1967, Kassel: Bärenreiter (1970), 78–94. view print preview
Brown 1981 Howard M. Brown, 'Words and Music in Early l6th-Century Chansons: Text Underlay in Florence, Biblioteca del Conservatorio, Ms Basevi 2442', in Ludwig Finscher (ed.), Formen und Probleme der Überlieferung mehrstimmiger Musik im Zeitalter Josquins Desprez (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 6), Munich: Kraus (1981), 7-141. view print preview
Brown 1983 Howard M. Brown, “A ‘New’ Chansonnier of the Early Sixteenth Century in the University Library of Uppsala: A Preliminary Reportâ€, Musica Disciplina, 37 (1983), 171-233 view print preview
Brown 1985 Howard M. Brown: ‘Josquin and the Fifteenth-Century Chanson’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 71 (1985), 119–58. view print preview
Brown 1987 Howard M. Brown (ed. & intr.), Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket, Vokalmusik i handskrift 76a (= Renaissance Music in Facsimile, Sources Central to the Music of the Late Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, 19), New York: Garland (1987) view print preview
Brown 1988 Howard M. Brown, Cambridge, Magdalen College, Pepys 1760 (Renaissance Music in Facsimile), London: Routledge (1988). view print preview
Brown, A "New" Chansonnier, 1983 Howard M. Brown, ‘A “New†Chansonnier of the Early Sixteenth Century in the University Library of Uppsala: A Preliminary Report’, Musica Disciplina, 37 (1983), 171-233 view print preview
Brown, Banco Rari 229, 1983 Howard M. Brown (ed.), A Florentine Chansonnier from the Time of Lorenzo the Magnificent: Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Banco Rari 229, 2 vols.(Monuments of Renaissance Music, 7) Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press (1983). view print preview
Brown, Florence 164-7, 1987 Howard M. Brown (ed.), Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MSS Magl. XIX. 164-167, 4 vols. (Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 5), New York: Garland (1987). view print preview
Brown, London 20.A.XVI, 1987 Howard M. Brown (ed.), London, British Library, MS Royal 20.A.XVI (Renaissance Music in Facsimile: Sources Central to the Music of the Late Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, 10), London & New York: Garland Publishing (1987). view print preview
Brown, Uppsala 76a, 1987 Howard M. Brown, (ed. & intr.), Uppsala, Universitetsbiblioteket, Vokalmusik i handskrift 76a (Renaissance Music in Facsimile, Sources Central to the Music of the Late Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, 19), New York: Garland (1987). view print preview
Bukofzer 1942 Manfred Bukofzer, ‘An Unknown Chansonnier of the 15th Century’, Musical Quarterly, 28 (1942), 14–49. view print preview
Bush 1946 Helen E. Bush: ‘The Laborde Chansonnier’, Papers of the American Musicological Society, Annual Meeting 1940, Richmond, VA (1946), 56–79. view print preview
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